Bionic Portfolios

Options-enhanced® Cash Flow Portfolios

Bionic Portfolios

Options-enhanced® Cash Flow

Bionic Portfolios are individual client portfolios managed by Bionic Capital LLC. Bionic Portfolios are managed by utilizing a variety of publicly-traded securities. We consider client goals, risk profiles, and needs when allocating to different asset classes and individual securities and try to match our understanding of market and portfolio risks to an individual’s risk profile. Although portfolios may be options-enhanced®, we will NOT trade calls or put options in portfolios. However, we may utilize exchange-traded funds or mutual funds that utilize options within their structures. Options-enhanced® funds that use options may reduce risk and garner extra return through potential capital appreciation and/or options time decay.

Bionic Portfolios target a 4.5% annual cash flow return from dividends, interest, and capital distributions and are designed to meet high cash flow needs while attempting to garner capital gains. Targeting an approximate mix of 50% equities to 50% fixed income, the specific allocation may vary depending on the client and market conditions. Currently, Bionic Capital charges a management fee of 0.57% for these portfolios. There is a $500,000 minimum client relationship to access these portfolios.

Bionic Portfolios

Contact Dean Erickson, CFA at (321) 574-8052 to discuss investment strategies. Bionic Portfolios are not suitable for every investor. There is no guarantee that positive returns and/or lower volatility will be achieved.

This web page is for informational purposes and should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell securities. For more information on the investment objectives, risks, fees, and expenses of any investment, please contact Bionic Capital LLC at (321) 574-8052.

“BIONIC” is a trademark owned by Bionic Capital LLC. The trademark is for “financial services, namely, investment advice, investment management, investment consultation, and investment of funds for others, including private and public equity and debt investment services.” FIRST USE: 20090728. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20090728

Bionic Capital LLC also owns a "BIONIC" trademark for "banking services." FIRST USE: 20120409. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20120409

Please respect our trademarks and attribute appropriately whenever you use them. Better yet, do not use them.

Contact Us

(321) 574-8052

Melbourne, FL 32940


Nothing on this site should be considered tax, legal, insurance, or investment advice. Decisions based on information on this website are the sole responsibility of the person viewing the site. You agree to hold Bionic Capital LLC, its officers, employees, and independent contractors, harmless against any and all claims, losses, liability, and expenses arising from its use.

Investing Risks

The value of an investment may go up or down. An investor may not receive the amount initially invested, and income, if any, may fluctuate. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Potential clients should consider their investment objectives and constraints, among other things, before investing. Contact Dean Erickson, CFA at (321) 574-8052 for a discussion of risks.

Company Brochure

Click here to read our company’s 2023 Brochure to learn more about how we conduct our business. You can also learn more about us on the SEC website.